Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Earth Day Brings Out CU Activism

Adopted from the Cornell Daily Sun, dated April 23:

As the remnants of last week’s nor’easter melted away, members of the Cornell community came out to Ho Plaza on Friday to celebrate Earth Day and enjoy the spring weather. The day’s festivities concluded Cornell’s First Annual Global Warming Awareness Initiative, a week of events promoting the University’s sustainability efforts that included community service projects, a panel discussion, a film screening, a lecture and a benefit concert.

Friday’s event brought out a broad array of about twenty organizations, from Cornell Students Against War to Tzedek: Jewish Social Justice.

KyotoNow!, a student group for environmental action, had a table at the event, informing attendees of the threat of global warming. Earlier this year, the group proposed the Referendum for Green Energy Purchases at Cornell, which was passed by the Student Assembly, and encouraged President David Skorton to sign the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment agreement.

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