Saturday, September 09, 2006

Brainstorm Ideas

Hey everyone,
Here are the ideas that were compiled from past Sustainability Summits, plus the general brainstorm ideas from the last meeting, broken down by category. Building on this, please post the notes and details from your individual group meetings. Once we get them all posted, we can work on compiling an initial plan which we can propose to the Administration.

I also liked the idea of having a meeting devoted to each of the focus areas, getting the operations people and all interested parties involved. What do others think?

Increased local purchasing
Sustainable café
Composting in dining halls, in frats/sororities
Reduced/Eco-friendly packaging
Hooking Dilmun Hill into Dining/café
Fair Trade products
Better link with Nutrition (campus store mural)
Group for clubs/COE/CU to purchase from Greenstar

More efficient fleet cars
Free Bus Passes
No freshman cars on campus and/or further disincentives
Giving up permits = spaces redesigned as a drop off space, rideshare, public transpo
Better bike paths and racks
Bicycle fleet
TCAT to farmers’ market
Hybrid buses

All energy from renewable local sources
Energy efficient lighting (whole campus)
Energy use kiosks showing consumption of floor/lab/building or campus-wide
Biofuel heating (grass pellets)
Mandating EnergyStar appliances
Bioenergy research center
Computer sleep policy

Green detergent
Packaging: more suited to needs rather than generic unnecessary packaging
Recycled paper
Green office supplies
Ethical purchasing policy
Making recycling easier

Commitment to green buildings (LEED)
Green roofs
Light reflectors (Schoelkopf)
Motion sensors for lights

Curriculum requirements
Formal commitment by Cornell (i.e. Talloires Declaration)
Direct input channel for student ideas
Faculty working on sustainability courses/councils
Research support for sustainable technologies
Office for Sustainability
Paid staff for coordination (interns)
Green Accounts, incentives for depts.
Alumni support, better tie-in (Alumni Leadership Council)
Encouraging green living in dorms
Support for conferences/discussions on these topics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read the message I posted on the Energy Group about an item that should be added to the Energy list.

Hello Energy Team,

I'm glad this focus group has been created in the blog. Check out the comment by the representative from American Wind Energy Association. It relates to an effort we have just begun in the Hub, but which was not mentioned during the Visioning Meeting.

In the Hub, the new Energy Team is planning to get students living in residence halls, fraternities, sororities, and apartments to offset their greenhouse gas emissions through a Green-e certified company. This should go under the items for the Master Plan because one idea is that students be allowed to Bursar their payment for the carbon offset on a monthly or yearly basis.

Next week, during Hub meeting, the Energy Team will meet to discuss outreach efforts and a strategy to get the Bursar option. So far, there are two rooms in Ecology House that have used the Carbon Fund to offset their emissions. If we get 30-50% of students doing this by the end of the academic year, we'll have offset nearly that percentage from residential activity (since an individual offset is 10 tons of CO2, the national average per individual).

You can offset your emissions today by going to or choosing another carbon offset company at

Remember to put this an idea for the plan.


Carlos Rymer
Outreach Coordinator
Sustainability Hub